Plant-based Creative Play & Lifestyle Medicine

Plant-based Creative Play & Lifestyle Medicine

THB 19,990.00

Plant-based Creative Play & Lifestyle Medicine

Discover the healing world of medicinal plant-based cuisine and lifestyle medicine and dive into bespoke creative play workshops on a myriad of topics including the rainbow of liquid nutrition and superfoods, delicious delights of raw cacao and guilt-free indulgent treats, the creation of natural beauty products, Taoist Herbalism and medicinal mushrooms, the art of fermentation, molecular gastronomy, food dehydration, essentials oils and living a toxin-free lifestyle or how to travel and thrive on plant-based foods.

Bespoke workshops - Energetic Exchange THB 19,990 (for up to 8 people)

We partner with organic farms & health food shops wherever possible - workshops are subject to availability.

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